Oven-Fried Chicken & Buttermilk Waffles

Oven-Fried Chicken & Buttermilk Waffles

I’ve been staring out the window at the rain this whole week trying to stop a constant repetition of the old phrase “April showers bring May flowers” that’s going through my head. I was almost settled on dealing with it like an adult until I woke up, yet again, to a...

Mint Chocolate Chip Avocado Mousse Cups

Mint Chocolate Chip Avocado Mousse Cups

Ok, so I’m officially sick of being sick this year. This past week I caught a case of the flu, on my birthday actually, so yeah that was wonderful. I’d planned to share this recipe a little sooner so that it would be live in time for you guys to make it for St...

Monster Cookie Ice Cream Sandwiches

Monster Cookie Ice Cream Sandwiches

Sometimes all you need to take something from good to great is just a simple idea. When I was growing up, back when my mom used to do most of the baking in the house. We had a pretty basic set of favorites when it came to cookies. Chocolate chip cookies were obviously...

Easy Cinnamon Sweet Potato Quick Bread

Easy Cinnamon Sweet Potato Quick Bread

So I realize this post is coming at you way out of season. I’d blame it on all that time I spent living in the Southern Hem where the seasons are all switched up, but the truth is we recently got this ginormous bag of sweet potatoes and only about half of the people...

Hummus Crusted Chicken Meal Prep Bowls

Hummus Crusted Chicken Meal Prep Bowls

Okay, so I probably shouldn’t say this, but (knock on wood) I think the sun might have finally decided to stick around for the rest of Spring and I’m so excited about it. Not only that, but I’ve been trying to get over yet another cold the past few days and today I...

No-Bake Raw Vegan Snickers Bars

No-Bake Raw Vegan Snickers Bars

So let’s talk about legendary recipes. I’d say most families have them. Whether it’s grandma’s famous pie recipe passed down from generation to generation, dad’s special lasagna, or your uncle’s secret sauce recipe. It’s funny how the really good ones have a way of...

Goji Berry Banana Chia Breakfast Jars

Goji Berry Banana Chia Breakfast Jars

So we finally had an almost sunny day yesterday and I’m so hopeful that it means all the Spring feels are finally going to start soon. Honestly, can we just get a little sunshine around here??? Well the weather is making me really miss the flowers. That was actually...

Chocolate Chunk Cookie Dough Protein Bars (Vegan+GF)

Chocolate Chunk Cookie Dough Protein Bars (Vegan+GF)

You guys are probably thinking I’m obsessed with cookie dough at this point but……….wait, who are we kidding, I totally am!   Yes, give me a planet where berries are abundant, the rivers are chocolate, and cookie dough grows on trees and I’d be all set. Anybody...

Asparagus & Feta Puff Pastry Tarts

Asparagus & Feta Puff Pastry Tarts

I’m having major deja vu about saying this, but our Spring seems to be hiding. I’ve been hard on myself in the past about talking about the weather in too many posts, but this time I feel like it’s warranted because I woke up on April 1st/Easter Sunday/April Fool’s...

Tropical Breeze Carrot Juice Smoothie

Tropical Breeze Carrot Juice Smoothie

So what’s the status on your Springtime weather and have you guys been enjoying Spring break? If you just said you’ve got sunny skies and budding flowers I’m super envious. No, I’m really genuinely happy for you I promise, I’m just not sure I can promise that the...

Coconut Vanilla Fluffy Bunny Ears Cupcakes

Coconut Vanilla Fluffy Bunny Ears Cupcakes

Somehow it’s approaching the end of another month again. How did that happen? Wow, is it just me or is 2018 passing lightning fast? It’s already amost the first of April you guys and coincidentally that’s also Easter Sunday this year. I’ve already ranted about my...

Spring Bunny Tracks Confetti Blondies

Spring Bunny Tracks Confetti Blondies

You guys, you guys, Spring is heeeeeeere! I know I’m excited, and I hope you are too. As you guy probably already know, my favorite way to celebrate any season is with something edible (and preferably colorful, oh, OH and sweeeeeeeet!) So we’re just gonna pretend that...

Chocolate Spelt Greek Yogurt Waffles + Maple Nut Butter Syrup

Waffles should be an everyday thing, don’t you think? Tell me, are you a team pancake or a team waffles type of person. For the longest time I’d go back and forth thinking I was one or the other until I finally made my peace with my indecision and reached a point of...

Moroccan Ribboned Carrot Raddicchio Salad + Blood Orange Dressing

Moroccan Ribboned Carrot Raddicchio Salad + Blood Orange Dressing

I know, I know, the title is fifty miles long.   Sorry about that, but at least be glad that I didn’t make it as long as I could have. See, I always want to be super descriptive with you guys about the recipes I’m sharing and today’s recipe just happened to have...

Roasted New Potato & Arugula Salad

Roasted New Potato & Arugula Salad

Happy Monday guys, I finally had a little time to do some recipe planning and cooking and I’ve got one of them to share today. Last week after I got home from Cali was such a whirlwind. I mean, I really enjoyed being busy and then skiing over the weekend because the...

Travel Diary California: La Jolla Cove & Seaport Village

Travel Diary California: La Jolla Cove & Seaport Village

So I finally had a chance to sort through some more of the photos from my travels to share. My sister and I had such a great time, I probably already said that a bunch of times, but it’s true. We make great travel companions for each other because when it comes to...

Strawberries+Cream Fudge Brownie Trifle

Strawberries+Cream Fudge Brownie Trifle

Happy weekend my peeps, and it couldn’t have come at a better time I think. Any fun plans? My schedule will probably involve lots of packing and planning for San Diego. It wasn’t part of the original trip plans but it looks like I’ll be in Cali for Valentine’s Day...

Tuesday Toast: Coffee Break with Me

Tuesday Toast: Coffee Break with Me

Good morning and happy Tuesday again. Today’s toast is like soooooo simple it hardly needs any explanation. I mean, I guess if you’ve never seen a pomegranate before (which I know a lot of you maybe haven’t) then maybe you’re a bit curious, but otherwise I’m pretty...

Easy Vanilla Marshmallow Milkshakes

Easy Vanilla Marshmallow Milkshakes

You know you’re a grown-up, responsible, mature adult when…….you purposefully dump miniature marshmallows everywhere to take a photo and no one questions your sanity. I’ve learned a few things this week, and one of them is that you’re not in the right line of work if...

Philly Cheesesteak Sandwiches

Philly Cheesesteak Sandwiches

It’s about time for a savory recipe, don’t you think? Even with it being healthy January time I still always find myself also wanting to plan recipes like this because of it being Superbowl time. Are there any American football fans with me? You know, it’s funny too...

Chocolate Cheesecake Mousse Gingerbread Cookie Trifles

Chocolate Cheesecake Mousse Gingerbread Cookie Trifles

  TGIF my friends! Who needs something chocolate???? So we all know that “The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear”……but second to that is creating decadent and festive treats to share! Clearly I have a thing right now for taking...

Spiced Cranberry Apple Pie

Spiced Cranberry Apple Pie

How did it get this late in the year guys? I don’t know, but I’m guessing those of you celebrating a holiday tomorrow and probably even many of you that aren’t, are busy doing lots of baking now that the holiday season is in full swing. This year has been quite a...

Travel Diary: LX Factory in Lisbon

Travel Diary: LX Factory in Lisbon

Travel is not really about leaving our home, but rather leaving our habits.” -Pico Iyer I was so inspired by one of the venues I visited while in Lisbon. It’s a place called the LX Factory and you can easily get lost trying to find it, as I found out the hard way....

Milky Way Triple Layer Crack Brownie Bars

Milky Way Triple Layer Crack Brownie Bars

It’s been too long since the last time I created a new outrageously layered cookie bar, don’t you think?   Well, recently with all the holidays upon us I’ve been baking a lot for my family and it’s always fun to throw something new into the mix along with all the...

My Top 10 Packing Tips For Europe in the Fall

My Top 10 Packing Tips For Europe in the Fall

Hey Guys! Today I thought I’d share something a little different than my typical recipe of the day. As you know, I’m getting ready to travel to Europe this weekend (depending on when you read this post) and I thought you guys might be interested in some of my packing...

Healthy Double Chocolate Chip Sweet Potato Cookie (Single-Serving)

Healthy Double Chocolate Chip Sweet Potato Cookie (Single-Serving)

Hey again, loves! Question; What do you do when you have too much sweet potato cooked and ready to use. For me there are endless possibilities but I always say…. “When life gives you sweet potato, add chocolate!” Well, okay I don’t actually say that but now I probably...

Summer 2017 Recap & Thoughts on New Beginnings

Summer 2017 Recap & Thoughts on New Beginnings

Hey my lovelies! I hope you’re all getting ready for a wonderful weekend ahead. As September is nearly halfway through and I’ve still been pretty absent here on the blog I thought it was time for a little catch-up. So many of you have asked me where I’ve been and what...

Where I’ve been………….

Where I’ve been………….

……”Just let go, Tori, you’ll be fine!” ……”Push off and let the rope catch you.”…………Don’t worry, it can hold you’re weight.” shouted my adventurous little sister as I clung to the rock wall for dear life. But it feels so loose, what if it doesn’t work?” I shouted back...

Time to Catch Up Sharing a Little Life Update

Time to Catch Up Sharing a Little Life Update

Hey everyone, I know it’s been a while since I last posted and I’ve really missed you guys! Wow, it’s so strange to be writing for the blog again after such a long break. I have a lot to catch you up on but first I thought I’d start with a little bit of news about my...

Favorite Eats and Treats at Disney World: Part 1

Favorite Eats and Treats at Disney World: Part 1

As promised, I’m sharing some of the tempting treats and favorites dining spots of my trip the last week. I would have loved to try out each and every spot in the park but since that would require spending many days there, I’ll have to add it to my bucket list. Also,...

Once Upon a Time in Magic Kingdom……..

Once Upon a Time in Magic Kingdom……..

Hey, guys! I hope you’re all having a wonderful week so far. It’s been such a busy last few days because of traveling and enjoying my first few days in North Idaho, one of my favorite spots on the planet! But I’m getting a little ahead of myself here, I still have...

Cinnamon Banana Date Shake

Cinnamon Banana Date Shake

Hey again, I hope you’re having a great day so far. Anyone feel like a milkshake? What if it’s a good-for-you milkshake made with just a few ingredients??? In case you missed my recent posts you may not have caught when I mentioned I’m planning for a trip I’m taking...

Chocolate Coated Nuts and Seeds Granola Bars

Chocolate Coated Nuts and Seeds Granola Bars

Well, it has definitely been a busy week so far. I’ve been planning, cooking, planning to cook, and even planning to plan. That last one doesn’t always work out with all the different variables that inevitably change whatever I may have attempted to plan but I keep...



And yet again I find myself feeling like I’d love to be a city dweller, like a lot. This past week I was in Santiago with my family and I just forgot how much I enjoy spending time there. Pictured above are some of the mismatched moments from my trip. Row 1: #1: The...

Chocolate Tahini Smoothie + Friday Favorites

Chocolate Tahini Smoothie + Friday Favorites

So It’s the weekend and I know we’ve all got life going on all around us so I’m keeping it short and sweet today. I’m just popping in to share this smoothie recipe that I made this past week because it’s one any smoothie lover is going to be thrilled with. That is, of...

Travel Diary San Diego: Zoo & Horton Plaza

Travel Diary San Diego: Zoo & Horton Plaza

Finally back home and able to sort through my photos and tell you guys more about our trip. It was amazing and just like when I went to London, I already can’y wait to return. There are are just so many things to see and do there I could have spent many more days...

Classic Scotch Eggs (Baked or Fried)

Classic Scotch Eggs (Baked or Fried)

So the last week of this month and then the following ones are going to have me pretty busy with cake-making. First I get to make a birthday cake for Xander and I’m so excited because I’ve never spent one of his birthdays with him before. He’ll also be inviting some...

Cherry Plum Chia Almond Smoothie Bowls

Cherry Plum Chia Almond Smoothie Bowls

It’s here! I mean, we’re there! Well however you want to look at it, 2017 you guys, it’s gonna be a good one I can just feel it! Now that I’ve had a full week to get over my sadness that the Christmas season has to be over until next year and now that I’ve spent a few...

Baked Buffalo Chicken Mac and Blue Cheese Pasta

Baked Buffalo Chicken Mac and Blue Cheese Pasta

The lights are going up, the carols are playing everywhere, the kids are getting restless from all their excitement, and the shopping malls are packed with gleeful shoppers. It’s such a magical time of year, but it’s also busy to an extreme.   Basically, the...

Malted Milk Chocolate Molten Brownie Fudge Pie

Malted Milk Chocolate Molten Brownie Fudge Pie

Wouldn’t it be nice if the weather could just make up it’s mind and be consistent for 5 seconds? Yeah, that’d be great. Pff, as if! It’s been rainy and cold a lot recently even though it’s supposed to be turning into summer here in Patagonia. I’ve been torn the last...

Greek Tzatziki Chia Fusilli Pasta Salad

Greek Tzatziki Chia Fusilli Pasta Salad

So it seems like my flavor moods recently have been closely related. Today I’m going from my past two middle eastern focused recipes and making my way to the edge of Europe. Greece, to be more specific. In all honesty this was totally not planned. In fact, I first...

madam pomfreys pumpkin juice smoothie

madam pomfreys pumpkin juice smoothie

Okay guys, nerd alert again. Sorry, I just really wanted to slip in one more recipe themed after Harry Potter before October was gone. I also thought this would be a fun and sneaky way to get some nutrition into the kids in between all of the sugary stuff I’ve been...

pastel de choclo chilean corn-pie

pastel de choclo chilean corn-pie

Pastel de Choclo, or Chilean corn pie, is a beloved dish that embodies the rich culinary heritage of Chile. This comforting pie combines the sweetness of corn with savory ingredients, creating a delightful balance of flavors. Whether enjoyed at family gatherings or...

Homemade Peanut Butter Crunch Breakfast Cereal Puffs

Homemade Peanut Butter Crunch Breakfast Cereal Puffs

Most of you know that my older sister is expecting her first baby very soon. She is 9 months pregnant so Ryder could come anytime now. My whole family is so excited to have a baby in the family and I still can’t believe that I’m going to be an aunt. It’s completely...

Chocolate Chip White Bean Blender Blondies

Chocolate Chip White Bean Blender Blondies

I’m so excited that we’re now counting down the days until Autumn officially begins! Who’s with me??? Well, okay quite honestly I am torn between excitement and a little bit of sadness to see Summer ending but that is quickly forgotten every time I think about all of...

Andes Mint Chocolate Chip Cookies

Andes Mint Chocolate Chip Cookies

Hey my friends! Anyone in the mood for some cookie inspo? You know, because I’m always happy to give it! So today’s recipe comes with a whole lot of irony for me because I made cookies using Andes mints. Now, in case you missed it, I lived in Chile for 4 years in the...

White Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup Cheesecake

White Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup Cheesecake

Have I been procrastinating the writing of this post to “accidentally” get lost in making travel plans for next week? Come on, of course not, because no one does that. 😉 So maybe I’m a little bit guilty, but you know, sometimes life happens. Also, I did notice the...

Sun-Dried Tomato Pesto & Havarti Grilled Cheese

Sun-Dried Tomato Pesto & Havarti Grilled Cheese

Who else is excited about this Summer? I’m already feeling the need to switch out the wardrobe from jackets and boots so I can dig out all the shorts and flip-flops. Maybe this is just me, but there’s just something so liberating about not having to layer up to walk...

Blueberry Almond Streusel Crumb Muffins (Gluten Free)

Blueberry Almond Streusel Crumb Muffins (Gluten Free)

I just typed out “It’s been a muffin since I’ve shared a minute recipe.” That’s pretty much what today’s like, but you know what? It’s the weekend, we’re just gonna go with it. Speaking of that though, how did this weekend sneak up so quickly, you know what I mean?...

5-Ingredient S’mores Puff Pastry Pop-Tarts

5-Ingredient S’mores Puff Pastry Pop-Tarts

Considering the fact that they’re s’mores flavored you can probably guess what at least 3 of those ingredients are. Yep, we’re taking the pieces that make up a great s’more and stuffing them into puff pastry for a really simple treat that will convince everyone you...

Carne Asada Breakfast Burritos

Carne Asada Breakfast Burritos

It’s just another normal day of the week but today there are burritos involved! I realize that I haven’t done a taco tuesday in a while. I guess they sort of fell off the radar a little bit between traveling, family stuff, keeping up with blogging, and just the...

Dark Chocolate Covered Espresso Bean Mini Loaves

Dark Chocolate Covered Espresso Bean Mini Loaves

And here I am again displaying my obsession for both chocolate AND coffee. I’m updating my life motto to “When life gives you some chocolate covered espresso beans, a cute little loaf pan you rarely use, and a chocolate craving, you make a recipe out of it!” Too long,...

Ricotta Lemon Pancakes+Whipped Honey Butter

Ricotta Lemon Pancakes+Whipped Honey Butter

So I was thinking, it’s been a while since the last time I shared a pancake recipe, hasn’t it? Honestly, it’s a little hard to keep track sometimes when I share so many recipes, but I can’t imagine it ever being a bad time for them, so I think pancakes are on the menu...

Baked Yam Fries with Sriracha Hummus (Vegan + GF)

Baked Yam Fries with Sriracha Hummus (Vegan + GF)

But don’t distress too much, there’s french fries! Okay, technically these are baked and they aren’t really your typical fries, but still, same difference right? Before I get into that too much, let me fill you in on some life stuff that’s come up recently. Actually,...

Toasted Peeps S’mores Skillet Brownie

Toasted Peeps S’mores Skillet Brownie

I’ve got a fudgy, sweet, sticky, situation to tell you guys about. Tell me if this is just me, but I’m really terrible about remembering to use tools and things that I’ve put away. Like if it’s out of sight and out of mind, I might as well not even have it. My dad got...

30-Minute Thai Basil Asian Steak Stir-Fry

30-Minute Thai Basil Asian Steak Stir-Fry

Do you ever look forward to something for so long that you can hardly believe it’s actually arrived? That’s how I feel about Spring this year. I’ve been dreaming about all the things I want to make, do, and see this season, that it seems unbelievable that it’s...

Hummus & Veggies Mediterranean Mezze Board

Hummus & Veggies Mediterranean Mezze Board

Can we all agree on the fact that being sick just sucks on every level? Especially when you’re older because then you don’t even get to miss school as a bonus. You just get to lay around feeling guilty that you’re not doing all the things you need to. Then on top of...

Heirloom Tomato Marinara Meatballs & Spaghetti Squash

Heirloom Tomato Marinara Meatballs & Spaghetti Squash

’ve got way more excitement than usual this morning. Firstly, the birds. I’ve been hearing birds singing in the mornings this week and it’s getting me so excited about Spring. I mean, it’s possible they were singing a little bit through the Winter, but I certainly...

Travel Diary California: Beach Day + Balboa Park at Night

Travel Diary California: Beach Day + Balboa Park at Night

It’s been over a week since I got home from California but I only just finished sorting through all the photos. I’m finally sharing the last ones from our last few days we spent there. The evening before we left we had the pleasure of meeting up with a cousin who...

Travel Diary California: Coronado Island

Travel Diary California: Coronado Island

Happy weekend guys! I’m really excited to share these photos from our day on Coronado Island. After all the places we went during our trip my sister and I agreed that this day was our mutual favorite. The beach, the town, the weather, and just the entire day felt like...

Travel Diary: San Diego – Part 1

Travel Diary: San Diego – Part 1

Finally had a chance to share some of the trip I’m on with my sister in San Diego and I’m so excited to share them with you. Growing up in big family, it’s nice to have a smaller group to travel with. It just simplifies things not to have so many people to keep up...

Thursday Things

Thursday Things

Happy Thursday again. So the flu season this year has been ridiculousness. Anyone else? I’ve been trying to pretend I didn’t have this annoying cold all week, but to be honest it’s got me feeling pretty crappy today. Also, the temperature here is supposed to reach the...

4-Ingredient Peanut Butter Chocolate Cereal Bars

4-Ingredient Peanut Butter Chocolate Cereal Bars

Hey my favorite peeps, I hope you’re off to a fabulous first Friday of February! (Haha, well that’s quite a tongue-twister) Since the last time I mentioned the weather here it still has yet to snow more than flurries and the grass is almost completely visible...

Acai Mango Detox Smoothie Bowls

Acai Mango Detox Smoothie Bowls

Don’t you hate it when you mean to order the blue spirulina and you accidentally get the green one? Alright, so that’s probably just me. I could think of a whole list of other scenarios that would only happen to me because I’m the strange food blogger girl. For...

Tuxedo Cheesecake Bars

Tuxedo Cheesecake Bars

Happy 2018 my friends! I hope you’ve had a great first week of the year so fas and are still feeling strong and ready to face the other 51 weeks ahead. So I had intentions to start out the year posting regularly here on the blog but the flu season hit our house hard...

Spicy Thai Chicken Tahini Stir-Fry Ramen

Spicy Thai Chicken Tahini Stir-Fry Ramen

And just like that we all wake up to December. Happy fri-yay and happy December my friends! It’s funny, you’d think the reality of time moving on would eventually set in after a while……..but somehow it’s always surprising to me. You know what I mean? Well anyway, I...

Travel Diary: Lisbon at Night

Travel Diary: Lisbon at Night

“I know nothing with any certainty, but the sight of the stars makes me dream.” ~ Vincent van Gogh   I honestly haven’t spent enough time working on my photography skills outside of food so my recent time spent in Lisbon was a great opportunity to practice. One...

Mini Pumpkin Spice Cake Loaves

Mini Pumpkin Spice Cake Loaves

Hey again guys! So is anyone else feeling a bit behind on their holiday baking? I’m so excited that the holidays are finally here but this year is definitely bringing a lot of new aspects to my past years of blogging during the holidays. As you guys know I’ve been in...

Travel Diary: London

Travel Diary: London

Time for a travel post, my friends! As most of you know I’ve been in Europe for the past week and the first part of my trip was in London. It was an absolutely amazing time and I already can’t wait to go back. When I first started to write this post I’d planned to do...

Vanilla Oat Flour Protein Crepes + Berries

Vanilla Oat Flour Protein Crepes + Berries

Good morning, my lovelies! The season is starting to get to that tipping point of permanently crisp air, rainy days, and bare trees and I’m starting to get excited for all that the holiday season is going to involve this year. I’m also highly excited about next week....

Pumpkin Spice Cheesecake Smoothie

Pumpkin Spice Cheesecake Smoothie

Hey Loves, I hope you’re enjoying the start of the season and getting excited about all things pumpkin and spice! How was your weekend? Mine was spent doing some house cleaning (which I find kind of therapeutic sometimes believe it or not), going to a little Fall...

Weekend Rewind: Ski Lifts, Copper, Wildlife, and Overpriced Coffee

Weekend Rewind: Ski Lifts, Copper, Wildlife, and Overpriced Coffee

Happy Labor Day Monday to all of my friends in the States! How was your weekend, and how are you spending your Labor Day? Hopefully it’s with friends, family, and good food. I got to help some really close friends of mine up at Schweitzer Mountain Ski Resort in their...

3 Quick & Easy Go-to Snacks I Love

3 Quick & Easy Go-to Snacks I Love

What I wanna know is who needs some weekend snack-spiration my friends? Because, I’m bringing it today! If you caught my last post you’ll know I’ve been moving this week. Guys, moving can be really stressful (and I should know since I’ve done it about a zillion times...

Favorite Eats and Treats at Disney World: Part 2

Favorite Eats and Treats at Disney World: Part 2

In my last post I shared with you all the delicious foods and the places that my family and I like to eat at in the Magic Kingdom. Today I’ll be sharing the places in the other 3 parks, so starting with Animal Kingdom, here they are….   ~ANIMAL KINGDOM~So this...

Around the World in About 80 Minutes: Exploring Epcot

Around the World in About 80 Minutes: Exploring Epcot

Hey everyone, how are you today? I’m pretty good. I’m missing Florida just a little bit but I’m excited to be in North Idaho right now. So after spending multiple days visiting the different Disney parks here in Orlando I realized I’d be hard pressed to choose a...

Wish You Were Here!: Postcards From Orlando FL

Wish You Were Here!: Postcards From Orlando FL

Hey, friends! I know it’s been a little while since my last post and I’ve missed keeping up with you guys. It’s only because all of my traveling has been keeping me really busy. I’m talking, leaving the house early and getting back late everyday so there hasn’t been a...

Living in Chile – Volcán Calbuco Eruption

Living in Chile – Volcán Calbuco Eruption

I had a recipe to post today but it seemed a little insignificant in light of the fact that I was watching a volcanic eruption yesterday and half the night last night. My everyday life may not always be as exciting as food but I think molten lava and volcanic ash is...

Browned Butter Malted Milk Fudge Brownies

Browned Butter Malted Milk Fudge Brownies

Okay, wow I feel like we need some major recap time guys. It’s been forever since we had a chat and even longer since that chatting involved chocolate. I know, no chocolate? The world might as well have ended, right? So I mentioned being sick in one of my recent posts...

Iced White Chocolate Caramel Macchiato + Friday Favorites

Iced White Chocolate Caramel Macchiato + Friday Favorites

Am I the only one feeling like today is just one of those days where you want to say, “TGIF and where’s the coffee???” Yeah, coffee is a good thing and I refuse to back down on this position. Even if I do have a tendency to drink too much sometimes, which is something...

The Best Fried Mozzarella Cheese Sticks

The Best Fried Mozzarella Cheese Sticks

They’re melty, they’re crispy, they’re hot, and oh man are they CHEESY! Yes, I made some all-time classic snacks to share today, mozzarella sticks, baby! Mozzarella sticks are such a major crowd pleaser, it’s ridicuolous. Really, I can never believe how quickly they...

Brownie Filled Chocolate Chip Cookie Meringue Tart

Brownie Filled Chocolate Chip Cookie Meringue Tart

I’m saying hey from the past to some my favorite people on planet earth! That’s you, my awesome readers! I hope you’re having a good Friday. Actually I wish it was Friday right now, but unfortunately…..it’s not. So obviously life gets crazy pretty often and as a...

Sea Salt & Olive Oil Dark Chocolate Brownies (Gluten Free)

Sea Salt & Olive Oil Dark Chocolate Brownies (Gluten Free)

Yeah…….okay I did put olive oil in your brownies. Can we still be friends? And wait just a second before you completely write me off as insane please, they’re actually really good! Seriously, no one could ever tell there is olive oil in them if you don’t tell. They’ve...

Spiced Gingerbread Cookie Milkshakes

Spiced Gingerbread Cookie Milkshakes

I’m not even going to try hiding my excitement today….! I mean, how can I when I’m sharing something as fun and festive as a gingerbread cookie milkshake??? Yeah, it just isn’t happening. So tell me, have you decorated for this weekend yet? Please say yes! Fine, if...

Cozy Skillet Poppy Seed Chicken Pot Pie

Cozy Skillet Poppy Seed Chicken Pot Pie

Happy December you guys! So we’re all planning to live it up this month and do it right, aren’t we??? I mean, it really is the most wonderful time of the year! Haha, I’ve actually been going back and forth all since yesterday between “I can’t believe it’s here,...

Cinnamon Apple Graham Cracker Crumb Bars

Cinnamon Apple Graham Cracker Crumb Bars

And it appears we all somehow survived last week, so um………I think we need something sweet to celebrate, right? I’m not gonna lie, I think I reached my limit of reading/hearing people going at each other over politics all week long. I mean, the fact is that what...

BBQ Chicken & Slaw Savory Pancakes (Redneck Tacos)

BBQ Chicken & Slaw Savory Pancakes (Redneck Tacos)

It’s very possible that you’re thinking I’m really weird right about now……. That’s okay ’cause I already know that and will freely admit to it. All that really matters is that you let me tell you about these life changing redneck tacos! I may not have a Southern drawl...

Butterbeer Ice Cream Floats with Coconut Caramel Ice Cream

Butterbeer Ice Cream Floats with Coconut Caramel Ice Cream

Okay, you got me. Yep, I’m a Potter fan. Once upon a time, I enjoyed reading books. Of course, that was when I had tons of free time. These days, the thought of sitting down to a good book for hours and hours is a dim fantasy, and yet somehow it’s not as appealing as...

Browned Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies

Browned Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies

I don’t remember the first time I heard of browned butter anything. It’s one of those fads that has slowly crept up on us and it feels like, unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past few years, you have to know about it. It’s like approaching the old news...

Perfect Buttermilk Drop Biscuits

Perfect Buttermilk Drop Biscuits

Guess who got a new dslr camera! I have hardly had the time to use it yet and oh my goodness, there are so many buttons and functions! It may take a little while before I learn how to use them all. I am so so excited to get the chance to use every one. I never knew...

Oven-Fried Chicken & Buttermilk Waffles

Oven-Fried Chicken & Buttermilk Waffles

I’ve been staring out the window at the rain this whole week trying to stop a constant repetition of the old phrase “April showers bring May flowers” that’s going through my head. I was almost settled on dealing with it like an adult until I woke up, yet again, to a...

Andes Mint Chocolate Chip Cookies

Andes Mint Chocolate Chip Cookies

Hey my friends! Anyone in the mood for some cookie inspo? You know, because I’m always happy to give it! So today’s recipe comes with a whole lot of irony for me because I made cookies using Andes mints. Now, in case you missed it, I lived in Chile for 4 years in the...

Mint Chocolate Chip Avocado Mousse Cups

Mint Chocolate Chip Avocado Mousse Cups

Ok, so I’m officially sick of being sick this year. This past week I caught a case of the flu, on my birthday actually, so yeah that was wonderful. I’d planned to share this recipe a little sooner so that it would be live in time for you guys to make it for St...

White Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup Cheesecake

White Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup Cheesecake

Have I been procrastinating the writing of this post to “accidentally” get lost in making travel plans for next week? Come on, of course not, because no one does that. 😉 So maybe I’m a little bit guilty, but you know, sometimes life happens. Also, I did notice the...

Monster Cookie Ice Cream Sandwiches

Monster Cookie Ice Cream Sandwiches

Sometimes all you need to take something from good to great is just a simple idea. When I was growing up, back when my mom used to do most of the baking in the house. We had a pretty basic set of favorites when it came to cookies. Chocolate chip cookies were obviously...