
Oven-Fried Chicken & Buttermilk Waffles
I’ve been staring out the window at the rain this whole week trying to stop a constant repetition of the old phrase “April showers bring May flowers” that’s going through my head. I was almost settled on dealing with it like an adult until I woke up, yet again, to a...

Sun-Dried Tomato Pesto & Havarti Grilled Cheese
Who else is excited about this Summer? I’m already feeling the need to switch out the wardrobe from jackets and boots so I can dig out all the shorts and flip-flops. Maybe this is just me, but there’s just something so liberating about not having to layer up to walk...

Easy Cinnamon Sweet Potato Quick Bread
So I realize this post is coming at you way out of season. I’d blame it on all that time I spent living in the Southern Hem where the seasons are all switched up, but the truth is we recently got this ginormous bag of sweet potatoes and only about half of the people...

Dark Chocolate Covered Espresso Bean Mini Loaves
And here I am again displaying my obsession for both chocolate AND coffee. I’m updating my life motto to “When life gives you some chocolate covered espresso beans, a cute little loaf pan you rarely use, and a chocolate craving, you make a recipe out of it!” Too long,...

Asparagus & Feta Puff Pastry Tarts
I’m having major deja vu about saying this, but our Spring seems to be hiding. I’ve been hard on myself in the past about talking about the weather in too many posts, but this time I feel like it’s warranted because I woke up on April 1st/Easter Sunday/April Fool’s...

Tuesday Toast: Coffee Break with Me
Good morning and happy Tuesday again. Today’s toast is like soooooo simple it hardly needs any explanation. I mean, I guess if you’ve never seen a pomegranate before (which I know a lot of you maybe haven’t) then maybe you’re a bit curious, but otherwise I’m pretty...

Vanilla Oat Flour Protein Crepes + Berries
Good morning, my lovelies! The season is starting to get to that tipping point of permanently crisp air, rainy days, and bare trees and I’m starting to get excited for all that the holiday season is going to involve this year. I’m also highly excited about next week....

Chocolate Chip White Bean Blender Blondies
I’m so excited that we’re now counting down the days until Autumn officially begins! Who’s with me??? Well, okay quite honestly I am torn between excitement and a little bit of sadness to see Summer ending but that is quickly forgotten every time I think about all of...

Oven-Fried Chicken & Buttermilk Waffles
I’ve been staring out the window at the rain this whole week trying to stop a constant repetition of the old phrase “April showers bring May flowers” that’s going through my head. I was almost settled on dealing with it like an adult until I woke up, yet again, to a...

Andes Mint Chocolate Chip Cookies
Hey my friends! Anyone in the mood for some cookie inspo? You know, because I’m always happy to give it! So today’s recipe comes with a whole lot of irony for me because I made cookies using Andes mints. Now, in case you missed it, I lived in Chile for 4 years in the...

Mint Chocolate Chip Avocado Mousse Cups
Ok, so I’m officially sick of being sick this year. This past week I caught a case of the flu, on my birthday actually, so yeah that was wonderful. I’d planned to share this recipe a little sooner so that it would be live in time for you guys to make it for St...

White Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup Cheesecake
Have I been procrastinating the writing of this post to “accidentally” get lost in making travel plans for next week? Come on, of course not, because no one does that. 😉 So maybe I’m a little bit guilty, but you know, sometimes life happens. Also, I did notice the...

Monster Cookie Ice Cream Sandwiches
Sometimes all you need to take something from good to great is just a simple idea. When I was growing up, back when my mom used to do most of the baking in the house. We had a pretty basic set of favorites when it came to cookies. Chocolate chip cookies were obviously...