Oven-Fried Chicken & Buttermilk Waffles

Oven-Fried Chicken & Buttermilk Waffles

I’ve been staring out the window at the rain this whole week trying to stop a constant repetition of the old phrase “April showers bring May flowers” that’s going through my head. I was almost settled on dealing with it like an adult until I woke up, yet again, to a...

Andes Mint Chocolate Chip Cookies

Andes Mint Chocolate Chip Cookies

Hey my friends! Anyone in the mood for some cookie inspo? You know, because I’m always happy to give it! So today’s recipe comes with a whole lot of irony for me because I made cookies using Andes mints. Now, in case you missed it, I lived in Chile for 4 years in the...

Mint Chocolate Chip Avocado Mousse Cups

Mint Chocolate Chip Avocado Mousse Cups

Ok, so I’m officially sick of being sick this year. This past week I caught a case of the flu, on my birthday actually, so yeah that was wonderful. I’d planned to share this recipe a little sooner so that it would be live in time for you guys to make it for St...

White Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup Cheesecake

White Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup Cheesecake

Have I been procrastinating the writing of this post to “accidentally” get lost in making travel plans for next week? Come on, of course not, because no one does that. 😉 So maybe I’m a little bit guilty, but you know, sometimes life happens. Also, I did notice the...

Monster Cookie Ice Cream Sandwiches

Monster Cookie Ice Cream Sandwiches

Sometimes all you need to take something from good to great is just a simple idea. When I was growing up, back when my mom used to do most of the baking in the house. We had a pretty basic set of favorites when it came to cookies. Chocolate chip cookies were obviously...

Sun-Dried Tomato Pesto & Havarti Grilled Cheese

Sun-Dried Tomato Pesto & Havarti Grilled Cheese

Who else is excited about this Summer? I’m already feeling the need to switch out the wardrobe from jackets and boots so I can dig out all the shorts and flip-flops. Maybe this is just me, but there’s just something so liberating about not having to layer up to walk...

Easy Cinnamon Sweet Potato Quick Bread

Easy Cinnamon Sweet Potato Quick Bread

So I realize this post is coming at you way out of season. I’d blame it on all that time I spent living in the Southern Hem where the seasons are all switched up, but the truth is we recently got this ginormous bag of sweet potatoes and only about half of the people...

Sweet Hot Sesame Mustard Chicken Pizza

Sweet Hot Sesame Mustard Chicken Pizza

Hey guys, I’m so happy to say the sun has finally been shining all weekend! What about you, has it been a good Spring so far? So more than one of my family members has made fun of me for my extended recipe titles that I can never seem to shorten. But honestly,...

Blueberry Almond Streusel Crumb Muffins (Gluten Free)

Blueberry Almond Streusel Crumb Muffins (Gluten Free)

I just typed out “It’s been a muffin since I’ve shared a minute recipe.” That’s pretty much what today’s like, but you know what? It’s the weekend, we’re just gonna go with it. Speaking of that though, how did this weekend sneak up so quickly, you know what I mean?...

Hummus Crusted Chicken Meal Prep Bowls

Hummus Crusted Chicken Meal Prep Bowls

Okay, so I probably shouldn’t say this, but (knock on wood) I think the sun might have finally decided to stick around for the rest of Spring and I’m so excited about it. Not only that, but I’ve been trying to get over yet another cold the past few days and today I...

5-Ingredient S’mores Puff Pastry Pop-Tarts

5-Ingredient S’mores Puff Pastry Pop-Tarts

Considering the fact that they’re s’mores flavored you can probably guess what at least 3 of those ingredients are. Yep, we’re taking the pieces that make up a great s’more and stuffing them into puff pastry for a really simple treat that will convince everyone you...

No-Bake Raw Vegan Snickers Bars

No-Bake Raw Vegan Snickers Bars

So let’s talk about legendary recipes. I’d say most families have them. Whether it’s grandma’s famous pie recipe passed down from generation to generation, dad’s special lasagna, or your uncle’s secret sauce recipe. It’s funny how the really good ones have a way of...

Carne Asada Breakfast Burritos

Carne Asada Breakfast Burritos

It’s just another normal day of the week but today there are burritos involved! I realize that I haven’t done a taco tuesday in a while. I guess they sort of fell off the radar a little bit between traveling, family stuff, keeping up with blogging, and just the...

Goji Berry Banana Chia Breakfast Jars

Goji Berry Banana Chia Breakfast Jars

So we finally had an almost sunny day yesterday and I’m so hopeful that it means all the Spring feels are finally going to start soon. Honestly, can we just get a little sunshine around here??? Well the weather is making me really miss the flowers. That was actually...

Dark Chocolate Covered Espresso Bean Mini Loaves

Dark Chocolate Covered Espresso Bean Mini Loaves

And here I am again displaying my obsession for both chocolate AND coffee. I’m updating my life motto to “When life gives you some chocolate covered espresso beans, a cute little loaf pan you rarely use, and a chocolate craving, you make a recipe out of it!” Too long,...

Chocolate Chunk Cookie Dough Protein Bars (Vegan+GF)

Chocolate Chunk Cookie Dough Protein Bars (Vegan+GF)

You guys are probably thinking I’m obsessed with cookie dough at this point but……….wait, who are we kidding, I totally am!   Yes, give me a planet where berries are abundant, the rivers are chocolate, and cookie dough grows on trees and I’d be all set. Anybody...

Ricotta Lemon Pancakes+Whipped Honey Butter

Ricotta Lemon Pancakes+Whipped Honey Butter

So I was thinking, it’s been a while since the last time I shared a pancake recipe, hasn’t it? Honestly, it’s a little hard to keep track sometimes when I share so many recipes, but I can’t imagine it ever being a bad time for them, so I think pancakes are on the menu...

Asparagus & Feta Puff Pastry Tarts

Asparagus & Feta Puff Pastry Tarts

I’m having major deja vu about saying this, but our Spring seems to be hiding. I’ve been hard on myself in the past about talking about the weather in too many posts, but this time I feel like it’s warranted because I woke up on April 1st/Easter Sunday/April Fool’s...

Baked Yam Fries with Sriracha Hummus (Vegan + GF)

Baked Yam Fries with Sriracha Hummus (Vegan + GF)

But don’t distress too much, there’s french fries! Okay, technically these are baked and they aren’t really your typical fries, but still, same difference right? Before I get into that too much, let me fill you in on some life stuff that’s come up recently. Actually,...

Tropical Breeze Carrot Juice Smoothie

Tropical Breeze Carrot Juice Smoothie

So what’s the status on your Springtime weather and have you guys been enjoying Spring break? If you just said you’ve got sunny skies and budding flowers I’m super envious. No, I’m really genuinely happy for you I promise, I’m just not sure I can promise that the...

Toasted Peeps S’mores Skillet Brownie

Toasted Peeps S’mores Skillet Brownie

I’ve got a fudgy, sweet, sticky, situation to tell you guys about. Tell me if this is just me, but I’m really terrible about remembering to use tools and things that I’ve put away. Like if it’s out of sight and out of mind, I might as well not even have it. My dad got...

Coconut Vanilla Fluffy Bunny Ears Cupcakes

Coconut Vanilla Fluffy Bunny Ears Cupcakes

Somehow it’s approaching the end of another month again. How did that happen? Wow, is it just me or is 2018 passing lightning fast? It’s already amost the first of April you guys and coincidentally that’s also Easter Sunday this year. I’ve already ranted about my...

30-Minute Thai Basil Asian Steak Stir-Fry

30-Minute Thai Basil Asian Steak Stir-Fry

Do you ever look forward to something for so long that you can hardly believe it’s actually arrived? That’s how I feel about Spring this year. I’ve been dreaming about all the things I want to make, do, and see this season, that it seems unbelievable that it’s...

Spring Bunny Tracks Confetti Blondies

Spring Bunny Tracks Confetti Blondies

You guys, you guys, Spring is heeeeeeere! I know I’m excited, and I hope you are too. As you guy probably already know, my favorite way to celebrate any season is with something edible (and preferably colorful, oh, OH and sweeeeeeeet!) So we’re just gonna pretend that...

Hummus & Veggies Mediterranean Mezze Board

Hummus & Veggies Mediterranean Mezze Board

Can we all agree on the fact that being sick just sucks on every level? Especially when you’re older because then you don’t even get to miss school as a bonus. You just get to lay around feeling guilty that you’re not doing all the things you need to. Then on top of...

Coconut Almond Ranch Fried Chicken Bites

Coconut Almond Ranch Fried Chicken Bites

Coming at you guys with another recipe. You know that age old question about desert islands and a single food? The one that goes “If you could only choose one food to live off of on a desert Island for the rest of your life, what would it be?” So I get the point of...

Chocolate Spelt Greek Yogurt Waffles + Maple Nut Butter Syrup

Waffles should be an everyday thing, don’t you think? Tell me, are you a team pancake or a team waffles type of person. For the longest time I’d go back and forth thinking I was one or the other until I finally made my peace with my indecision and reached a point of...

Heirloom Tomato Marinara Meatballs & Spaghetti Squash

Heirloom Tomato Marinara Meatballs & Spaghetti Squash

’ve got way more excitement than usual this morning. Firstly, the birds. I’ve been hearing birds singing in the mornings this week and it’s getting me so excited about Spring. I mean, it’s possible they were singing a little bit through the Winter, but I certainly...

Moroccan Ribboned Carrot Raddicchio Salad + Blood Orange Dressing

Moroccan Ribboned Carrot Raddicchio Salad + Blood Orange Dressing

I know, I know, the title is fifty miles long.   Sorry about that, but at least be glad that I didn’t make it as long as I could have. See, I always want to be super descriptive with you guys about the recipes I’m sharing and today’s recipe just happened to have...

Traditional Greek Lamb Gyros + Tzatziki Sauce

Traditional Greek Lamb Gyros + Tzatziki Sauce

So I think my nephew knocked a few years off my life the other day. I was siting alone in the kitchen and the biggest bug I’ve seen in a very long time comes crawling into the kitchen and it was making this horrible humming/buzzing sound. Omg, I don’t know why this...